Abbey Gate College’s Very Own Sorting Hat Gets to Work… thumbnail image Abbey Gate College’s Very Own Sorting Hat Gets to Work… Published on 6th September 2022
The new school year was kicked off today with scenes of high excitement at our Infant and Junior School as the College’s very own Sorting Hat was awoken from a long slumber to tell the new children which House they are in. 
To strengthen the House identity at the College, last year the children worked together to decide on mascots of their House as well as words that described the values they thought their House embodies. The children were thrilled to see new colourful House banners on display in the assembly.
Now, our Sorting Hat is a little prone to having a snooze while doing the very important task at this time of year, so Mrs Hickey and all the children had to work together to keep the yawning hat awake… It worked!
Not only did the Sorting Hat have to announce the new children’s Houses, but also had to tell the House Captains which of the College’s Aims each House will represent throughout the school year; Self, Service or Sustainability.
As part of this very special assembly, each child received a new tie in their House colour, a new House badge and also an Aims badge. They all left assembly with huge smiles and pockets bulging with all the new items they received. What an exciting day!