Year 9 Students Represent Abbey Gate College at STEM Olympics thumbnail image Year 9 Students Represent Abbey Gate College at STEM Olympics Published on 17th May 2023
Two teams of Year 9 scientists represented the College at the STEM Olympics held at The Grange School. The competition is for students from over twenty schools and colleges from Cheshire and North Wales.
There were five events on the day – four activities and the infamous Fermi Quiz.
Our team of boys competed very well in the Rocket task and were only 65cm from the target, coming 2nd overall in this activity.
Our team of girls came 2nd in the Fermi quiz, which was a very challenging test of estimation and powers of ten.
Other activities included a computational task to find rings by devising and following a program of instructions around a maze, solving a crime using chromatography and code breaking, a rat dissection in order to correctly identify vital organs and a density practical to order various materials in order of their density.
Teachers also got involved in all the activities as well.
Our girls team pipped the boys to the post, ranking at a very credible 7th overall on the day.
This was an extremely fun day and all the students improved their team-working and problem solving skills as well as their enjoyment of Science and Technology.
Thank you to The Grange School for hosting!